The extraordinary rich equipped pilgrimige church located in the district "Wies" of Steingarden is one of the most beautiful and ornated rococo church of Germany.
In 1983 the "Wieskirche" was enabled as World Heritage by the cultural organization of the United Nation UNESCO. Due to this the church also gained international recognition.
Nowadays more than one million people are visiting the famous pilgrimage church a year. Furthermore the church is venue of church music concerts regularly.
The "Wieskirche" is only 20 kilometres away from the Hotel Hirsch in Füssen.
Nowadays the baroque area of the former Benedictine monastery St. Mang contains the museum of the city Füssen high above the shore of river "Lech".
The history of the monastery goes back to the 8th century in which saint Magnus being a missionary established a monk cell at this place.
With influx of additional monks the Benedictine monastery was developed in the 8th century and named after saint Magnus.
In here you can look upon one of the oldest bavarian Dance of Death cycles called the "Füssener Totentanz". Besides beautifully decorated baroque halls a huge collection of historical lutes and violines is contained and is witness of the great meaning of Füssen concerning the history of the european lute making.